Wednesday, March 16, 2005

73 Vendetta - A Civil War and Strained Relationships

Wife and Mother, Mother-in-law and husband....when does it all end?

It's like a legacy, or something hereditary. My grandma did not treat my mum nice enough, and now it's her daughter-in-laws' turn.....What the hell? Then my dad did not have a good relationship with his mother-in-law. And now, it's my turn (same case for my brother)

It's really hard to explain. Maybe one good turn deserves another makes the best sense. In this case, it's one bad relationship deserves another.

I've never heard a case about mother-in-laws getting along with daughter-in-laws. Husbands and mother-in-laws alike. Everyday, it's like a civil war going on, and I'm just stuck in between, as a victim.

Like the Beginning Lyrics in G'N'R song "Civil war" : "WHAT WE'VE GOT HERE, IS FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE, some man you just can't reach, so you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants. WELL, HE GETS IT!.........I don't like it, anymore than you men" AMEN TO THAT.