32 Vendetta - The greatest movies
2 of the greatest movies I've ever watched and loved.....
I love these movies :
Lord of the rings : Trilogy
Star Wars : EP 1-6
I will always love George Lucas for creating Star Wars. It gave me such a fun childhood, swinging lightsabers (sticks) around. When EP1-3 came back, I knew he was the greatest. My next guess is that he will do a prologue (i.e Episode 0). That would be so great. Introduce how the Jedi council and the civilizations come about.
Then there's Lord of the Rings. Though I didn't really like the ending cos he didn't tell the whole story according to the book by J.R.R Tolkien (JRR : John Ronald Reuel), it was nevertheless great. His boldness to do the trilogy proved many wrong. They're really worthy of so many Oscars.
At least not all movies are that great. If not, LOTR and Star Wars wouldn't look that great afterall.
31 Vendetta - Always judge a book by its cover (NOT)
Does having more paper qualifications makes your pay higher?
Does it mean that if you are more qualified, you get more pay? And as such, you are able to look down on more people? Those that are less educated than you?
No. It depends on what you do. In Newton Hawker Centre, lots of the food stall owners own Mercedes and BMWs. Are they educated? No. Some even didn't go to school at all. They just had lots of luck. And I really mean lady luck smiling at them.
Sometimes, a person who dresses shabbily does not mean that he is poor. That is the service attitude of Singapore. They look at your outfit and try to judge you by your looks. I have worked in retail and saw men dressed in shorts, slippers and a T-shirt coming in to shop. When they finally make their purchase, it was well over $ 500.00 and they dish out a platinum card (Note : platinum card 10 years ago was far more prestigious than what it has become now). Now, would you ever think this man would have a platinum card judging the way he dresses?
So the next time you see someone dressed shabbily, don't think that he's just one poor bloke. He may just have a ferrari parked outside by the road (Since he can afford any fines!!) as to your Toyota in the carpark.
30 Vendetta - Taxi Drivers
I hate taxi drivers.Can't they drive properly?
When was the last time a taxi driver swerve into your lane, or driving errantly around you? Minutes / hours ago? And the worst part is the traffic police are not penalising most of them. But if you are driving a car, that makes a difference?
Logic? No, just compassion. Compassion that taxi drivers are earning a living and if they get caught, they probably lose their day's earnings. But this compassion is not going to save lives. Instead it is going to destroy more.
Anyone heard the news about the ACS captain who got knocked down? By who? A taxi driver. His world was shattered. From a national rugby player to learning how to walk again.
My point is, Taxi drivers are reckless and they are not repentant. Even though they see news of their comrades knocking down people, they continue to drive the way they were driving before. INCONSIDERATE, RECKLESS, SELFISH, YOU NAME IT.
If possible, I would like taxi companies to set up a posting website so that drivers can post taxi driver's car plate no. on their website and they can be blacklisted. It's up to taxi companies if they want to take action.
If you know that you are dying today, please book a taxi for the whole day.
29 Vendetta - Rising cost of Fuel
With the rising cost of Fuel, it might be better to just use candles.
Everyone knows how much the fuel has risen. Imagine US$ 68.00 for a barrel of oil. I used to pump petrol at $45.00 for a full tank 2 years ago for my 1800cc car. Now I pay up to $ 60.00 for the same. WHAT? So in another 2 years time, I probably have to downgrade to a 1.5litre car so that I can remain paying $60.00 for a full tank.
Then there is the home utilities charges. 2 years ago, I pay about $120.00 (Max) for my home utilities/month. Now I pay up to $ 160.00 (average)/month. So rightfully speaking, I might as well stock up candles if I want to remain paying $160.00 in 2 years time.
And probably in 10 years time, we might just run out of fuel. No petrol and controlled electricity consumption in nations, hydrogen or solar powered cars.
Then maybe (just maybe),everyone can just buy bicycles and start work at 10am, finish at 4pm.
28 Vendetta - Telecommunication Service Rip-Off
I get more rewards for "Green" service as compared to "Red" service.......
What am I talking about? It's about the reward point system I get for paying my telecommunications bills. Of course, "green" and "red" services are 2 of the biggest telecommunication companies in Singapore.
This is a fact that I personally experienced :
Can you believe I just redeemed S$ 10.00 to offset my bills for 2000 worth of points from "Red"service?
And then I redeemed $56.00 to offset my bills for 2000 points as well from "Green" service.
So in the right state of mind, I should be thinking that "green" service is more worthwhile right? RIGHT!!! I am currently moving all my telecommunication services to the "green" one. And I think "Red" service should do something to their reward plans cos it's just not worthwhile at all. What I want is to offset as much of my bill as possible. Imagine if I pay 5 months of bills and get to offset the whole of my 6th month using my points.
Lastly, I strongly recommend "green" service. You have succeded in marketing your products with your reward plans and competitive price. At least, you have definitely won me ("Used to be Red supporter") over.
One comment though for "Green" service : You could improve your customer service center and not let me wait there for 1 1/2 hour just to register my modem (On a weekday?).
Also, please pick up your customer service hotline ASAP. It's getting intolerable listening to "Our customer service officers are currently busy, we will be with you shortly.....Our customer service officers are currently busy, we will be with you shortly....."
25 Vendetta - The First Born
And all the first born in the land that did not have the lamb's blood painted over their doors and windows were killed..............
I was not the first born son in the family. My parents and grandparents doted on my brother a lot. In chinese, there is a saying that : The first born child is like the youngest son of the grandparents. There was clear favourism between all our siblings and him.
Now, as I have my own faimily, I swear I would never practice favourism over my children. In fact, I condemn such Chinese values, beliefs and practices.
If you have your own children, I hope you treat them all equally. You do not want them to grow up to become people of my generation. People who think they are inferior to the family's first born son and bearing lots of hatred in their upbringing.
The worst, you just have more people growing up and writing their grievances in blogs.
26 Vendetta - The Rag and Bone Man Cometh
On a typical day in Singapore, you can hear a horn blowing away by the Rag and Bone man. The words as shouted from man are :
Dialect : "Karang Guni, Siu Po jua, Sa Kor, Lay dio, Dian Si Ki"
English : "Rag and Bone Man, collecting newspapers, old clothes, radio and television."
My Term : "I'm here again, blowing this horn to pester you so that you may give me your newspapers, old clothes, radio and television."
Please, spare me this Rag and Bone business for 1 day? Every single day, at least 3 times, the R-A-B man cometh. Blowing his horn away, asking for the same items everyday (but no-one giveth). Sometimes, you get 2 coming at the same time and they just try to outwin each other by shouting louder. DON'T THEY REALISE THAT THERE ARE PEOPLE WORKING GRAVEYARD SHIFTS AND NEED TO SLEEP IN THE DAY?
Maybe soon, (just maybe) when the carpark becomes machine operated, my block will be rid of these R-A-B men cos they have to pay to get into the estate.
But in the meantime, I think I'll just have to install soundproof windows and doors.
24 Vendetta - Close ones get Realistic
SARS, bird Flu, hand-mouth-foot disease, dengue, what else is next?
When sars broke out in 2003, my son was due to be born in May. Everyone stayed at home and shunned the hospitals.
When you were in risk of a deadly CD, we did not mind at all.
When we had a CD breakout in our family, you all shun us like a plague.
Why is that so?
Cos idiotic, tiny, selfish and FUCKED-UP brains think that poor people transmit disease more easily than rich people. Well, FUCK YOU BRAINLESS BITCHES AND BASTARDS.
All of you who know who you are, and can BLOODY WELL FUCK OFF....
23 Vendetta - Michael Jordan, the Legend
I do not have a personal vendetta against him. I just want to dedicate this blog to him.
I'm the most lucky person to be born in 76. Cos when I was in my prime time of playing basketball, I witnessed Michael Jordan won all his NBA championships till he retired. Remember Chicago Bulls? Awesome team man. He was an icon to me in basketball. He represents the reason why I played basketball in the first place.
For all those Jordan freaks, one place to shop for Jordan memorabilia. In Kuala Lumpur, Sungei Wang shopping centre. At the 2nd/3rd/4th floor, at the same level as popular bookstore. Just opposite the bookstore, a shopowner who has dedicated everything in his store to Jordan and the NBA. I have bought countless of Jordan T-shirts from him everytime I'm at K.L. Stay at the hotel beside Lot 1 or at Times Square hotel, then you can take a train conveniently.
Lastly, there will never be another person to replace Jordan's icon with Nike. Not Tiger Woods, not Thierry Henry, not Ronaldo, not Vince Carter.
Michael Jordan, the man with the armband, the man with the "Stick out tongue" move, a player, an icon, a legend.
22 Vendetta - Unsung Villians of the WWW
Judgement day from Terminator movie is real......we will be there
The WWW is full of dangers. Anyone can be anyone and can even have multiple identities. Everyone is a Jekyll and Hyde. Everyone has a hidden secret. Currently, spammers are already being arrested around the world. But soon, I think there will be a time, where the WWW does not allow identities of individuals to be hidden anymore.
The time will come, whereby we have to scan the barcode on our identity card to log into a computer. Or even have a chip placed within our bodies (like dogs). All our activities will be recorded down. Think not, think again.
Terrorism is helping us reach that state of technology soon. Are you aware that terrorists log on to a certain website so that they can decipher codes from their terror network and be instructed what to do? Terrorism can never be erased from the face of this earth and we can only prevent their activities by increasing the security features of our technology.
Finally, I think whoever we are, we will be faced with this (sooner or later) "There is no escaping"
21 Vendetta - Th Incompetent Force
May the "force" not be with you.......
Summary edited due to explicit and blasphemous content.
What force?
So they have the time to R&D on the speed cameras they use to catch speedster, to make programmes on television, to look into buying new cars so that they can go faster, to advertise to bring their message across through different media.
Expect crime rate to rise more and more. In the economic slowdown, you can expect lots of frauds, robberies, buglary. And these crime rates keep on rising and rising. When was the last time you flip open the papers and NOT see "____ and ___" was buglared / robbed /cheated, lost ______ dollars. Let me tell you, never. It has become an everyday affair.
If you are a victim of crime, I hope and pray that the "Force" may REALLY help you.
20 Vendetta - Cars, dress'em up
Mugen, TRD, Nismo, Mazda Speed, STI, WRX, AMG, VOX, ABT, words associated with cars
Car performance parts. Love'em or hate'em. I have dressed up all my previous cars including my present one. But currently, I like to dress up my car's looks only.
Upsize Rims and low profile Z grade performance tyres are a must. Afterall, your car runs on them 24x7 so safety is no.1. Then comes the bodykits. Full bloom or chosen individually. Then I dress up the lights like changing the design, putting eyelids or changing to HID. Change disc brakes and pads.
Previously, I used to dress up the exterior, interior, In-car entertainment (ICE) and engine performance parts. Conservatively speaking, I spend close to $18,000 to fully modify my previous car. Then I realise that it's not really worth it cos when I sold the car, I sold all the accessories (that can be removed from the car) separately and I got back only $ 1500.00
So currently, I don't do much to the engine. I only dress up the exterior. But i'm very particular about every single detail right up to the colour and brand of my wheel nutz. So what if my car is underpowered. As long as I like the way it looks.
Afterall, if I really want a fast car, I might as well buy one that already has figures in brochures to prove that it's really that fast.
19 Vendetta - Best times of your life
The best times is how you make it out to be, not how much you regret what you should have done.
Whenever I hear a complain from students from secondary school that they have a lot of homework and it's so boring, I can't help but want to feel sorry for them. Cos they are missing out on the best times of their lives.
I think the best time of your life is between 14-18. At this time, you have all your friends to be with everyday and don't have to worry about monetary issues. Studying together in a class is so much fun (you realise when you have outgrown that privilege). You have school holidays to hang out, things to buy with your allowance and girls to tease without getting sued for verbally outraging their modesty. You can't even go to jail cos you're underage.
When you are finally over-teen and start to work for your dough, then you realise what you've missed out.
So quit complaining today and start creating your own
"best times of my lives".
18 Vendetta - My blood is mixed
The origin of me.........Did I say I'm not REALLY a Chinese?
I come from a descendant of a Thai, Vietnamese and a peranakan. Only my mother is a chinese. So I can say my blood is actually 20% Thai, 20% Vietnamese, 20% peranakan and 40% Chinese.
In fact, I heard that somewhere in that family tree, there's even a vietcong. Maybe that's why I have that bit of abusive nature (like enjoying wrestling?).
Nevertheless, of whatever origin, doesn't matter. What matters is I have a pink IC and if I want to continue to remain here. Guess you should know my answer........;-)
17 Vendetta - I do, I don't
Welcome to married life, the final resting place of your love life.
I got a wedding invitation again. For the last 2 years, I've been to dozens of friends' weddings. Each time, the couple always seem to be happy together. Some have been together for as long as 8 years before getting married. Some have already gotten Registered at ROM years ago. They just want to go thru the customary when they get their flat.
Then somehow after 2 years, you hear from friends that _____ and _____ are separated, they are probably getting divorced. The ratio in which I hear a divorce happening to my friend is probably as high as the ration of weddings I attended.
Some ask me how I could maintain my relationship after all these years? I think that my upbringing, values, principals and perception has allowed me to rethink "Separation" or "Divorce" many times. And everytime something drastic happens, I just try to work things out for the sake of my kids.
So if you REALLY (110% sure) think that "Divorce" is your last resort, go ahead and do it.....and don't look back. Cos if you do, you may change your mind again and hurt your loved ones more.
16 Vendetta - In Memory of Mr. Daniel Phua
The man with the pink piggies tie.
I'll always remeber Mr Daniel Phua. He was my lecturer at Shatec and taught me 3 subjects (I think?).....
He was the lecturer without anger or attitude. Even though he was fat, he was never conscious about his weight issues and always wore a pink tie full of piggies. The was only one time my class got told off by him but it was our fault actually. He was a "ladies' man".
When he passed away, we were all under attachment at hotels. I remember when Cindy called me (sobbing and choking) and told me Mr Phua had passed away, I told her off and said "Haha, it's not funny, don't joke ok!!". Then when Jonathan, Zach, Nelson, Jes, Naz, Clarence, Irene, Cheryl, Serena, Ju (If anyone of you are reading this, I know you have never forgotten him) started calling, you know it's true.
(It's ironic isn't it, you won't believe the truth the 1st time you hear a shocking news?)
At the funeral, there were lots of shatec students. Mostly those whom he taught. We got to see him 1 last time at Mt Vernon. When he was cremated, 2 of my female classmates fainted (of course, lots of female students from other classes also fainted). He left behind a wife and 2 children.
He was less than 39 years old when he had this one heart attack that took his life.
His incident made me realise that I should just cherish what I have now and be glad everyday when I open my eyes in the morning. At least, a new day has arrived.
Dear Mr. Phua , you will forever remain in our hearts. 10 years have gone since you passed away, but it still seems like I've talked to you just yesterday. Till I see you again........)
14 Vendetta - Ciggy
Smoking causes heart disease........Smoking causes lung cancer.........Smoking harms your family........
Damn, I really need to quit smoking. I remeber the first time I bought a pack of ciggy for $1.80 and now the price has risen 10 folds. If only my paycheck has also risen 10 folds.
This has always been my new year resolution but has never been realised. But I have cut down drastically from 20 sticks/ day to 10 sticks/day. I need to cut down to 3 sticks/day then finally quit this.
Tobacco companies are really smart. You raise the tax for ciggies, they bring in cheaper brands. So how can the government say raising taxes for ciggies is to reduce the no. of smokers???
Look at the statistics. Are they for real?Probably every year, only 1-3% of smokers start to quit smoking b'cos of the price. And what is the percentage who actually pick up the habit?????
You can't stop the uncles/aunties from quitting smoking after all these years.........
You can't stop young people from picking up the habit cos their parents don't stop giving allowances........
You can't stop patrons from smoking in nightspots/coffeeshops cos Booze and Ciggies just compliment each other........
So what can we do if we can't afford it? QUIT LOR!!!
13 Vendetta - Luck has got everything to do with it
Toto, 4-D, Big Sweep, Soccer, Scratchit........Coming soon - Casino
The big C, for Casino. Let's be true here, families are going to be broken, bankruptcy is going to increase, crime is going to be on the rise. So what's the advantage of a casino?
Are you aware that hundreds of Singaporeans visit Casino ships/Batam everyday to gamble? Instead of letting the money out, we might as well let it stay here. The biggest pro is the $$$$$.
Casinos do not burn a hole in your wallet. It incinerates your bank accounts. I have seen rich people lose their Mercs, Semi-D house, Wife, Kids to Casinos. Lastly, they jump off the casino ship. Ask the retired aunties in markets and they can jolly tell you the incidents they heard while gambling on Casino ships (Not Star Cruise if you know what I mean).
So if you are one of those who gamble almost everything there is to gamble on weekdays and weekends (Like me). When the Casino opens, Luck has INDEED got everything to do with it.
12 Vendetta - Millions of lost souls
Ioannes Paulus PP. II (Pope John Paul II) Karol Wojtyla, 16.X.1978 - 2.IV.2005
(Do we weep for Son of Man or Son of God?)
Millions of souls will be lost during the 2nd coming of Jesus. More and more false churches are gaining power and deceiving millions of Christians.
I do believe that God is building another of his own army. Christians who will build armies for God and not churches for Man. One who hungers so much for his word daily and will lay down his life for him.
I may / not live to see the 2nd coming even though I yearn for it. However, I hope I live to see that army.
11 Vendetta - Fakers
Don't say it if you don't mean it......
Don't you just hate it when people become defensive during conversations? Or try to talk as if they are the smart ones?
Some people are so defensive when they converse. It's as if they try to conceal something from you, thinking that you might blackmail them or something like that.
I really think that if you become defensive during conversations, or try to talk like you're "Mr. Know-it-all", then it becomes so fake.
It's like telling a girl "I Love You So Much" just to get her in bed!!!!
10 Vendetta - Get an education
Wonder why they dress you up as graduates when you finish your K2?
So that you may graduate from the uni one day.
I never got a chance to pursue what I want in education, cos I got tied down early. I was the least educated in my family (among my siblings), and I was very often despised by the "more educated" ones including my relatives. I got a chance (abt 8 yrs ago) to study in Switzerland/U.S.A for Hotel Management (fully sponsored) but I turned it down.
However, I never ceased to learn things on my own. I never stopped reading books and I started to learn more things.
I worked and learnt how to work smart. 3 best employee awards from 3 different companies I worked at. Does it mean anything? NOTHING. It's not as if I worked really hard. I just did some boot-licking.
My point is : Get a proper education, graduate with Masters / Doctorate cos
You can choose :
if you want to lick boots
get boot-licked.......
9 Vendetta - Can die, cannot sick
Soaring medical costs, can pharmaceutical companies ever lower the cost of medicine?
Why do I have to bear such high medical costs whenever I fall sick? Everytime I visit the doctor, it seems I'm spending more and more....Such that sometimes, I feel afraid to fall sick.
In my country, old folks always say "You can die, but you cannot fall sick". I wonder how true the statement is.
How many have given up on living while on life support machines b'cos they couldn't afford to "LIVE"?
I did tell myself that if I were ever in that situation, please.......please.........please
8 Vendetta - Screaming Kids
Why do kids scream their heads off?
I hate it so much when everyday, I have to come home hearing kids scream their heads off. Can't I just get a good rest and some silence?
I wish I can tell them to bugger off / get off my back / shut up / get out /SSSHHHHH but I've got my own counter-measures.
Moreover, I do need someone to welcome me home, to hug and peck me on the cheek when I come back. To ask me questions as they grow older.
Hence my counter-measure, scream my head off when they start screaming.........
7 Vendetta - $1 million car, own it before 21
Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini : How to own them before you're 21.
Why am I still driving a 1.6litre car (with 1/3 of my life gone) when an 18 year old girl is driving a Porsche Boxster? A kid without a license is able to own a Lamborghini?
Maybe I'll be able to own one in this life, NNNNNOOOOOOTTTTTTT!!!!!! When I'm 6 feet under, maybe someone will burn one for me.
I guess the easiest way to own one is either : you strike a Damn big lottery like Toto or,.....be born with a platinum spoon in your freaking mouth. Cos a silver spoon probably lets you own a BMW 320i only.
Life sucks doesn't it? And all we can do is complain and write in your own blog.
6 Vendetta - Wrestling
Wrestling corrupts your mind : But it's worth it.
I have watched wrestling since I was 2 years old. My early memories include Chief Jay Strongbow, Greg the hammer valentine and Jimmy superfly Snuka. How the industry has changed today.
I still watch wrestling today and will still watch it as long as I live. Though I suspect my early childhood's physical abuse was due to my dad watching too much wrestling, I never blamed him. I grew up different from my younger siblings. I know how to keep things in line and not go over them.
I suspect my temperamental nature was cultivated from watching years of wrestling and not inherited from my dad. I still allow my kid to watch wrestling as long as they do not learn the moves (Don't try this at home).
They may grow up to be temperamental as well, but that's the point isn't it?
To grow up and be like Dad.......
5 Vendetta - Poetic Phantom of the opera
Phantom of the opera : I was the phantom
I remember when I was a teenager, I had a GF named S****e. I bought a bottle of parfum for her on her birthday and there was a "phantom of the opera" contest. The top 10 love poems submitted wins a pair of ticket each to a reception cum gala premiere at kallang theatre (Front row seats at S$ 300/ticket). I submitted my poem after 1 week.
2 weeks before the show, the results was announced and I had won the pair of tickets. I went down to Taka to collect the tics. I had wanted to ask my GF the next day.
Unfortunately, the next day, she broke up with me. The tics ended up with my mum and my brother.
I wish I could get back the copy of the poem now. At least it gives me something to remember. That I was a good poet.
And to S*****e, I was glad you broke up with me though I went thru a depression mood for 3 months.
At least for now, I don't have someone telling me that my GF had slept with ..............
3 Vendetta - Me against myself
I have to give my 3rd vendetta to myself.
I am so against myself for so many things. For loving the wrong person, for hurting the rite ones, for never able to love like I should.
Nevertheless, I can say 1001 things against myself here but I won't cos I can never end.
Above - My one true motto (that if I could : would like it tattooed on my back in Victorian / Gothic Font)
I'm just plain sorry that a human being can cause so much havoc and damage alone, let alone 6,409,765,942 people (as at 020105, 11:59:59)
2 Vendetta - Your Pride, your face
How can a person's pride/"face" be more important than the death of her own kin? I can never understand that.
Jack Neo's "Money no enough" did say a lot of things. Like when "Hui-ge's" mother died, all the rest cared about were their "Face".
When my grandmother died, she went peacefully cos hours before she left us, I knew that she was not gonna make it thru the night and prayed hard for her salvation. Even though the funeral ceremony was against my religion, I went along with it as I could see my dad was really depressed when my grandma passed away. I did not want to aggravate him anymore.
Throughout the chinese ceremonies, many people only cared about "face" than paying due respect to the dead. Is "face" really that important in chinese cultures? Or is it just show off.