Wednesday, January 05, 2005

6 Vendetta - Wrestling

Wrestling corrupts your mind : But it's worth it.

I have watched wrestling since I was 2 years old. My early memories include Chief Jay Strongbow, Greg the hammer valentine and Jimmy superfly Snuka. How the industry has changed today.

I still watch wrestling today and will still watch it as long as I live. Though I suspect my early childhood's physical abuse was due to my dad watching too much wrestling, I never blamed him. I grew up different from my younger siblings. I know how to keep things in line and not go over them.

I suspect my temperamental nature was cultivated from watching years of wrestling and not inherited from my dad. I still allow my kid to watch wrestling as long as they do not learn the moves (Don't try this at home).

They may grow up to be temperamental as well, but that's the point isn't it?
To grow up and be like Dad.......