Monday, January 17, 2005

17 Vendetta - I do, I don't

Welcome to married life, the final resting place of your love life.

I got a wedding invitation again. For the last 2 years, I've been to dozens of friends' weddings. Each time, the couple always seem to be happy together. Some have been together for as long as 8 years before getting married. Some have already gotten Registered at ROM years ago. They just want to go thru the customary when they get their flat.

Then somehow after 2 years, you hear from friends that _____ and _____ are separated, they are probably getting divorced. The ratio in which I hear a divorce happening to my friend is probably as high as the ration of weddings I attended.

Some ask me how I could maintain my relationship after all these years? I think that my upbringing, values, principals and perception has allowed me to rethink "Separation" or "Divorce" many times. And everytime something drastic happens, I just try to work things out for the sake of my kids.

So if you REALLY (110% sure) think that "Divorce" is your last resort, go ahead and do it.....and don't look back. Cos if you do, you may change your mind again and hurt your loved ones more.